
Browse our videos to learn more about Arca's products, customer success stories, and corporate culture.


Future Proofing the Branch During Uncertain Times

Sometimes a product tweak can profoundly affect an entire industry. Let’s take a look at…

Cash recyclers add security to your branch—and create peace of mind

Cash is a lot of things — but secure isn’t one of them. Because…

Does my store need a rated safe?

A better question might be, why does a safe rating matter? Well, you might…

White Papers

Do you need a TCR with Self-Audit? It depends.

Self-audit — it seems to be a must-have feature on a teller cash recycler….

Venta Biok
How Teller Cash Recyclers Change Branch Processes

How teller cash recyclers change branch processes 1. Start of day is easier. When…

Cash Automation 101

Learn more about cash automation from our most popular content topics.


Download Our E-Book

We wrote the book on cash recyclers.

Arca cash recyclers allow employees to focus on customers, not cash. It's a story so epic, we turned it into a bestseller.